The Top Reasons for not getting Interview calls

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Are you sitting on haunches and waiting for an Interview call? Have you already questioned about everything that might be wrong with you since you’re unable to receive enough job interview calls, and still wondering about the plausible reasons then keep reading and we’ll help you in deducing “What is wrong with your job application”.

Didn’t get a call from the employer? Know why.

Many a times the reason of not getting an Interview call can be as simple as your application not being delivered to the HR whereas, at times the cause may run deeper like your skills didn’t match the requirements or your resume was too long etc, and you seriously need to put efforts in solving it. There are three elements involved in receiving an Interview call i.e. you, your application (Resume + Cover letter) and the HR/Employer, if you efficiently work over these three factors then the chances of getting called are raised higher by 99%.

The Top Reasons for not getting Interview calls

First things first, let’s work on ‘YOU’

Whether you are a fresher or an experienced candidate, the first step to ensure Interview calls from HR is to apply for job openings wisely. In the pressure of getting an Interview call sometimes we forget to do the initial research and comprehensive thinking about what we need from the next job, which is as important as getting the job.?

Avoid the below common mistakes made by every jobseeker and get hired fast:-

You’re relying too much on a single method- Many job seekers make this mistake; they rely too much on a single way of getting the right job. Finding a job is a tedious task which requires you to be proactive at every level, like make your profile on online job portals and stay active on them; Start networking over social portals like LinkedIn, Instagram, Telegram etc to get interviews; Directly apply to the companies that interest you; Ask your friends or acquaintances to refer you if they come across any relevant job and most importantly keep applying functionally.

Know your right fit before applying- Amidst the chaos of finding the job you forget the most essential part, it is to know the right job for yourself. As a fresher you are unknown to the potential and skills that you possess, in this case, you need to research about the trending opportunities which will excite you to work diligently albeit as an experience holder you must think about what you want next in your career, it is a position or an organization that you require for further growth or you are in a need to switch the work industry for more exploration of your skills.

Make sure your job application lands with Employer- However it may sound stupid but in many cases, the reason for not receiving an interview call is because the employer didn’t receive your job application or worse your application was not openable. So double-check your application format and send it to a friend before sending it to the employer’s review, this way you can make sure that a mere stupid reason doesn’t come in between you and your job opportunity.

Learn from the perspective of an Employer

Employers are the source from where you receive job calls; hence it is vital to know their perspective as well. For every job opening the HR is presented with hundreds of applications among which they have to shortlist the most appropriate candidate for their organization.

Keep the below things in check in order to draw the employer’s attention on your job application:-

Create a balanced online presence- The process of recruitment is not untouched by the effect of Social media, so your employer would likely Google you to check on your online presence. Therefore it’s your call to maintain a balanced presence over your online accounts like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook, etc where the employers can get a quick insight about you as a person.?

Carefully follow all the instructions- The instructions mentioned before the submission of a job application are for a purpose, therefore you must read them carefully and follow them to the tee. The more you put effort to reduce the pain of the employer, the more you are likely to receive the Interview call. If you are successful in fulfilling this little task, it will surely create an impression that you are detail-oriented and good at following through the instructions.???

Know your employer and organization- If you want to stand out among the other applicants then you have to make an extra effort in doing so. In the age of the Internet, all the information is within the reach of a click, thus use it to your benefit and know details about the employer and the organization you are applying to. The best way to notify your effort is by addressing the name of HR on your cover letter in place of writing ‘To whomsoever it may concern’ and by smartly molding organization’s mission or vision as your motivation to work with them, this will ensure the HR that you’ve been thorough in your research and are willing to work in their company.

Building attractive Resume and Cover letter

Resume and cover letter are the first media of communication between you and the employer; they are the basis of your first impression, therefore, you need to work over your Resume and cover letter if you’re desperate to land a job. The foremost thing is that your resume and cover letter must be persuasive to seek the employer’s attention.

Here are the points that you need to cover for building an appealing Resume:-

Tailor your Resume as per the Job opening- Many of us make a generic resume and cover letter for all the job openings we apply, due to which you’re unable to achieve the goal of your job application i.e. to sell your accomplishments and showcase the skills that you can offer to the organization. You must tailor your resume as per the skills and job responsibilities required for the job.

Format your resume primly- The way you structure your resume tells a lot about you. If you want to impress the employer in minimum time then you need to do some smart work over your resume and cover letter i.e. firstly use the correct resume format which highlights all your accomplishments in the first half-page; draft your cover letter with respect to the organization & job opening and focus on the skills which will help you for that particular position; prevent your resume from becoming too long and try to summarize it in 1-2 pages and keep it prim and effective; most importantly use your previous work experiences in such a way that they enhance your candidature for the current job position.

We quite understand that the process of job search is painfully draining and the confidence level of many job seekers is so fragile that they jump to horrible conclusions about their job application. There are many common reasons due to which you might not be getting Interview calls, once you get a hold over these we’re quite certain that you’ll be able to land your dream job. We have mentioned the common concerns of not getting an Interview call but in few cases, it is likely that it might not be you and the problem is at the employer side, hence we urge you to not get disheartened by this and keep applying for openings with a positive approach.

KnockingJob wishes you a happy and stress-free job search...